Pennsylvania Family Law Blog

Family law news and analysis, published by Mark E. Jakubik

Archive for the ‘Pets’ Category

Court Appointed Counsel for Canine

Ron Callan Jr. left an estate worth about $2 million, but the most hotly contested item in the late businessman’s Tennessee probate court case is his 13-year-old golden retriever, Alex. The four-way fight over custody of Alex was so intense that a judge appointed an attorney to represent the dog’s interests. A judge on Monday approved a consent order to split custody of the dog based on the recommendations of the guardian ad litem, The Commercial Appeal reported. “Obviously, this is a very unusual set of circumstances,” attorney Paul Royal wrote of his four-legged client. “At first glance, the petition seems almost frivolous, but after speaking with all parties, it is evident that this is a highly emotional issue for all involved.”

Callan, whose New Year’s Day shooting death was ruled a suicide, left no will, leaving the court to decide what to do with the dog and the rest of the estate. Callan, 35, was a partner with his father in Callan Salvage & Appraisal Co. His father, Ronald Callan Sr., who was named administrator of his son’s estate, has had an ongoing dispute with former wife Esther Snow Gnall over ownership, care and custody of their son’s dog. Ronald Callan even claims his ex-wife tried to pay one of his employees to kidnap Alex, an allegation she denies. Also interested in who got the dog was Kim Guill, the fiancee of Ron Callan Jr., who was present when he died. Gnall said that if she gets custody or visitation with Alex, she would allow Guill to spend considerable time with the dog. Royal, the dog’s attorney, said in his report to the court that he believes all four people love Alex and would take good care of him. But he said the parties are using the fight for the dog as a means of punishing each other for past transgressions. The elder Callan currently has custody of Alex and brings him to work, where he stays in his office. Callan Sr., who has cats at home, has Alex spend his nights with Chris Griffith, his son’s former girlfriend who has known him since he was a puppy.

In the consent order, the father and mother will trade custody every two weeks. Both parties agreed to take the dog to the veterinarian twice a week for his arthritis treatments and any other needed procedures. “This case is similar to a bitter custody battle involving children where each party loves the children, but the kids are stuck between two people who cannot coexist,” the attorney said in his report.

Source: Associated Press, via

Source for post: Iowa Family Law

Written by Mark Jakubik

August 30, 2007 at 11:36 pm

Posted in custody, Pets

But Who Gets the Dog?

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Divorce is a difficult, painful process. Ending a marriage, dividing assets, and trying to maitain stable, productive parenting relationships is very, very difficult. sometimes folks borrow a little extra trouble by extending their disagreements to the pets. Really, its true. I have seen it, and, based upon this excellent post from Lee Borden at Lee’s Divorce & Family Law Blog, others have, too. Read Lee’s post, and take my word for it, he’s right on the money.

Source: Lee’s Divorce & Family Law Blog. Thanks to Dan Nunley at the Oklahoma Family Law Blog for this post on the issue.

Written by Mark Jakubik

January 15, 2007 at 9:15 pm